Friday, April 12, 2013

Acupuncture Treats Military Sexual Assault PTSD

A growing number of women are serving in the US military. According to CNN, "more than 200,000 women are in active-duty military, including 69 generals and admirals. The breakdown: 
About 203,000 in 2011, or 14.5% of the active-duty force of nearly 1.4 million. That number comprises about 74,000 in the Army, 53,000 in the Navy, 62,000 in the Air Force and 14,000 in the Marine Corps. [Source: CNN]
More women serving means more women veterans.  And for many, it means having to deal with a specific kind of trauma: Military Sexual Trauma (MST) (also known as Rape by Rank).
In both civilian and military settings, service members can experience a range of unwanted sexual behaviors that they may find distressing. These experiences happen to both women and men. "Military sexual trauma" or MST is the term used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to refer to experiences of sexual assault or repeated, threatening acts of sexual harassment.  [Source: National Center for PTSD]
A study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2010 found that 15% of women veterans had reported experiencing MST. 

Psychology Today reports
"Among veterans using VA health care, about 23 out of 100 women (23%) reported sexual assault when in the military, 55 out of 100 women (55%) and 38 out of 100 men (38%) have experienced sexual harassment when in the military."
Military Sexual Trauma combined with combat trauma is especially devastating. The National Center for PTSD goes on to say that "Sexual assault is a type of trauma that often leads to the onset of PTSD for both women and men. Given greater exposure to this type of trauma, women are particularly at risk for PTSD."

Acupuncture is one form of treatment that can help alleviate MST-related PTSD (for women and men).
"Acupuncture regulates the autonomic nervous system, allowing a break from “Fight or Flight”.  Regular acupuncture (2-3x week) can transform someone who is suffering from severe symptoms of PTSD, whether it is chronic pain, nightmares, insomnia, or emotional symptoms such as rage or depression.  Since approximately 18 veterans commit suicide daily, there is nothing more urgent than treating these service men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country."[Source: Pamela Howard, Community Acupuncture in Richmond, Virginia]
Acupuncture helps by helping the body handle the physical and emotional after effects of traumatic experiences.  

The type of acupuncture used at the MVA Clinic is non-invasive.  The person keeps all their clothing on and sits in a chair. Five 'acu-points' in the ear are used. The treatment session lasts 30-45 minutes. Some people find they need to sit a few minutes before they get up to leave. Health care personnel are available in case of need and the acupuncturist is ready to answer any questions before, during, and after the sessions.

 Veteran receiving ear acupuncture.

Because of the nature of MST/PTSD, many women do not feel comfortable being treated in a mixed gender environment.  The Milwaukee Veterans Acupuncture clinic has a private treatment area available for anyone, male or female, who would prefer it. 

If you have concerns or would like more information, please contact us at

And if you have never had acupuncture before, here are a few links from our site with more information. 



The National Center for PTSD has posted the following fact sheets on their site.
For additional information on acupuncture and veterans, see our Articles & Resources page.

Top image of female soldier - Licensed from GettyImages.