Monday, November 24, 2014

What Happens at the MVA Clinic?


When you come in you will see one of our greeters and the reception desk just as you come in the door.  Please take a moment to sign in.

If this is your first visit, you will sign a treatment consent form and, if it is okay with you, a consent to photograph. (If not, that's okay too. We'd just like to be able to add more pictures to this website!)

After your 1st visit, just put your name on that day's sign up sheet. This is also where you will pick up the alcohol swabs to clean your ears before treatment.

Make yourself comfortable while you wait.

The treatment sessions are private - and quiet.  We ask that everyone turn their cell phones off.


Before your treatment begins, the acupuncturist discusses the procedure and answers any of your questions and/or concerns. 

Then, in less than a minute, the ear needles are put in place. 

Now you just sit back and relax.  Many people find themselves entering into a very calm and meditative state which can last anywhere from 15 to 50 minutes.  Quiet music is played in the background and the lights are kept low which many people find very restful.

Afterward the needles are removed. Some people find they need to sit a few minutes before they get up to leave.

What does it feel like? Here's what some of our Vets have told us.

"Every time I have a treatment, it [the relaxation effect ] gets stronger." (Iraq Vet)

"I like the relaxation but it also treated my back pain!" (Vietnam Vet)

"She puts the needles in and it's Good night, Mabel!" (Vietnam Vet)

Many of our Vets say the effects of the treatment last for hours and even longer as they have successive treatments.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Welcoming Home the Walkers: Veterans Trek

Tom Voss and Anthony Anderson are the two veterans. On August 30, 2013 they left, on foot, departing from the Milwaukee County War Memorial in downtown Milwaukee for what was a five-month -- and 2,700-mile -- journey across the country that ended on January 30, 2014 at the Santa Monica pier at the end of Route 66. 

Tom and Anthony had three goals:
To raise donations for Dryhootch in the sum of $100,000.

To raise awareness of the issues influencing Veterans and their families.

To take the time they felt they needed (and didn’t take after their return home from deployments in Iraq and separation from military service).

Dryhootch is a nonprofit organization formed by combat veterans to help Veterans returning home.

Both Tom and Anthony helped the Milwaukee Veterans Acupuncture clinic when we were first getting started.  They let us take pics of them receiving treatment.

On February 15th, a welcome home celebration was held in their honor at back at the Milwaukee County War Memorial.  

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was on hand.


As were a number of family, friends, and supporters.

And lots of cameras! 

MVA Clinic Team Leader, Chris Jablonski managed to get by the crush of media to greet Tom and Anthony.

The Veterans Trek continues . . . 

Tom and Anthony continue to welcome donations - see this link on the Veterans Trek website.

Welcome home, gentlemen. Thank you for your service!

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More (these links will take you off the MVA Clinic website)